Rectorseal Metacaulk 1500 spray is a water-based, elastomeric coating designed for spray applications onto perimeter barrier (curtain wall) construction and for joints between fire-rated assemblies requiring dynamic movement.
Most Common Applications:
- Curtain Wall Joints
- HVAC Ductwork
- Top of the Wall Construction Joints
- Deflection Track Wall Systems
Metacaulk 1500 spray is water-based elastomeric firestop that is designed for spray applications onto joints between fire-resistive assemblies and perimeter barrier (curtain wall) assemblies. It cures to an elastomeric membrane seal that is suitable where dynamic movement is expected. In the event of a fire, Metacaulk 1500 will prevent the spread of flames, smoke, hot gases and water through the joint openings. No dilution or mixing is required for use. Metacaulk 1500 can be brushed or applied with a spray pump. Metacaulk 1500 systems are rated for up to 4 hour conditions in accordance with the UL 2079 (Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems) test standards. Metacaulk 1500 has been cycled 500 times, meeting the new ASTM E 1399 standard. Also tested in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL1479) for systems up to 3 hours.